WIKI: How to filter procedures?

Step [1]: Go to ITSM > CONFIGURATION TEMPLATES > Procedures and Click Filter icon

Step [2]: Fill the form expanding from Filter icon (** User can fill any of the fields in the form and apply for filter the procedure)

  • Name - complete name or partial name of the procedure you would like to filter

Step [3]: Select appropriate value from the Type drop-down

  • All - the result includes all type of procedures
  • Custom - the result includes only the procedures which are created by users
  • Predefined - the result includes only the predefined procedures which are packed with ITSM

Step [4]: Select appropriate value from the Status drop-down

  • All - filters all available status of procedures
  • Created - the result includes only the procedures which are just created
  • Edited - the result includes only the procedures which are just edited
  • Ready to Review - the result includes all procedures which are ready for review
  • Approved - the result includes all approved procedures
  • Declined - the result includes all declined procedures

Step [5]: Select appropriate value from the Content Type drop-down

  • All - both 'script' and 'patch' type of procedures become in the result
  • Script - 'script' procedures be filtered
  • Patch - 'patch' procedures only be filtered

Step [6]: Fill the rest of the fields one by one and click “Apply” button from the form to get the result that matches the applied parameters

  • Created By - enter email id of the user who created the procedure
  • Created On - enter the date when the procedure was created
  • Last Modified By - enter email id of the user who lastly modified the procedure
  • Updated at - enter the date when the procedures was modified recently
  • Description - enter text to explain about the procedure
  • Script - enter any content that parts of the body of the script or code to filter out the contained procedures