WIKI:How to generate an alert when patch procedure fails to execute as intended?

In ITSM alert can be configured for scheduled procedures in profiles. Alert will be triggered when procedure fails to execute as expected .

Step [1]: Go to ITSM -> “Configuration Templates” and click “Procedures”.

Step [2]: Click Existing patch procedure name to which you want to add the alert settings from the list.

Example: "Windows Update " patch procedure.

Step [3]: Go to “General” tab and click “Edit” button.

Step [4]: 1.Select the checkbox of “Use alert settings when the procedure fails” option,

  1. Type the name of the alert that you want to trigger when the procedure fail in the text box below the “Use alert settings when the procedure fails” option

  2. Select the procedure from the drop-down and click save button.

Example : “Update Failed” Alert

Note: Only the existing alerts can be added to the procedure.

Step [5]: The changes will be applied to the procedure.Thus the user will receive the alert based on the alert setting,if a patch procedure fails.