WIKI: How to manage user web portal ?

Service Desk allows end user to Report tickets, Check Ticket Status and access Frequently Asked Questions via Web portal. All necessary settings and options required to manage web portal are available in “Admin Panel”. Administrator can define their custom web portal settings using this help guide.

Step [1] Web portal Settings- To configure web portal please go through below steps

  • General Web Portal settings -
    • Go to "Service Desk" >"Admin panel"> "Settings"> "System" tab.
    • Set following options viz
      • Helpdesk Status -
        • Online -If the status is changed to Online, the client web portal interface will be disabled
        • Offline -If the status is changed to Offline, the client web portal will be disabled
      • Helpdesk URL: - This URL is the based on your Comodo One configuration . It is used connect end-users to your help desk .
      • Helpdesk Name/Title - This name appears in browser tab when accessing web portal.
      • Default Department - Choose a default Department for tickets that are not automatically routed to a department.
  • Site Pages settings -
    • Go to "Admin Panel" > "Manage">" Pages" . You can see Landing Page,Offline Page and Thank you page in list.
    • Click concern page to alter content of that page.
    • Click "Add New Page" to create custom page.
    • When two or more pages are available for Landing or Offline or Thank you page, select page and click 'Enable' to make activate concern page.

Step [2]Web portal Access settings - To control end user access to the portal , go through the below steps,

  • Go to "Admin Panel">" Settings" >" Access" tab- You can see option related to client access available in this section.
  • Registration Required - If Selected end user must register in portal to create ticket.
  • Registration Method - Choose any of the below options
    • Disabled -If selected end user registration will be disabled.
    • Public - If selected end user are allowed to register in web portal .
    • Private- If selected end user are not allowed to register in web portal.Staff have to register end users.
  • User Excessive Logins - Enter number of allowed end user login attempts with time lock details. End user login will be locked for specified time when maximum number of login attempts.
  • User Session Time out - Choose the maximum idle time (in minutes) before a User is required to log in again. If you would like to disable User Session Timeouts, enter 0.
  • Client Quick access- if enabled end user require email verification on "Check Ticket Status" page
  • Authentication and Registration Templates
    • Clients -This template used to send email to end users who successfully processed 'Forgot password' link for login issue. Click this template to change the message content.
    • Guest Ticket Access - This template used to send email to guest user who request to check ticket status. Click this template to change the message content.
  • Sign-In Pages
    • Clients Sign in Page - Click this template page to alter sign in page header.
  • User Account Registration pages
    • Please confirm Email Address Page -Edit this template to alter page shown to end user after completing registration form.
    • Confirmation Email - Edit this template to alter content of verification email sent to end user when their account has been created in the web Portal or by an staff on their behalf.
    • Account Confirmed page - Edit this template to alter the page shown to end user after their email address verified.

Step [3] Ticket Settings -To configure all settings related web portal tickets, please go through below steps,

  • General Ticket Settings -
    • Go to "Admin panel"> "Settings">" Tickets" tab
    • Tcket IDs: Select any of the below options,
      • Sequential - If selected ticket will be generated with serial numbering system.
      • Random - If selected ticket will be generated with random numbering system.
    • Default SLA - Choose the default Service Level Agreement to manage how long a ticket can remain Open before it is rendered Overdue.
    • Default Priority - Choose a default Priority for tickets not assigned a priority automatically.
    • Default Asset Type -Choose default device type to be selected in the ticket. It can be changed by end user during ticket submission.
    • Default Help Topic- Choose default 'Help Topic' to be selected in the ticket. It can be changed by end user during ticket submission.
    • Maximum Open Tickets - Enter the maximum number of tickets a User is permitted to have open in your help desk.
    • Human Verification - Enable CAPTCHA on the web portal to verify an incoming ticket is the result of human activity.
    • Allow Client Updates -If enbled end users are allowed to update ticket from web portal.
    • Attachment
      • Allow attachment - If enabled service desk allows attachment upload in the tickets.
      • Online/Web attachment - If enabled end user are allowed to upload attachments.
      • Max User file uploads - Choose maximum number of files can be uploaded in a single ticket.
      • Maximum file size - Choose maximum size per file.
      • Accepted file types - Enter file extensions separated by commas to limit file types support in ticket. To enable all file format support enter Wild card(*) .

2.Help Topics settings -Help topics are used to apply predefined options and forward tickets to Service Desk staff.

  • Go to "Admin Pane" > "Manage">" Help Topics" . You can see list of available help topics
  • Add help Topics - Enter "Add New Help Topic' button in the top to add new help topic.
  • Disable Help Topic- Select help topic and click "Disable" button in the bottom to disable concern help topics.

3.Ticket Form settings -Ticket form which needs to be filled at the time ticket creation can be altered in this settings.

  • Go to "Admin Panel" > "Manage" >" Forms" tab. You can all Service Desk forms in list.
  • Click "Ticket Details" form
  • Update form options available for Ticket Creation.
  • Click "Save Changes" button in the bottom to apply changes.

4.Asset Management - End user choose “Asset” in ticket for which issue ticket is being created . “Asset” reference in the ticket also used for billing purpose.

  • Go to "Admin Panel"> "Manage "> "Assets" tab. All asset types are listed here.
  • Click "Asset" type to enter billing cost per hour in US Dollars.
  • Click "Save Changes" button in the bottom to apply changes.
  • To add new asset type to the list , click "Add New Asset" button in the top.

Step [4] Knowledgebase settings - This settings allows you to enable FAQs access for end users

  • Go to "Admin Panel"> "Settings"> "Knowledgebase" tab.
  • Knowledge Base Status - Enable this setting to allow your users self-service access to your public knowledge base articles.