WIKI: How to schedule the procedure using profiles?

Technicians can schedule script procedures in profiles and apply it on desired devices.

Step [1]: To schedule procedure, Go to “ITSM” > “Configuration Templates” > “Profiles”

A) select the profile which you wish to schedule script procedure

Step [2]: If “Procedure” tab not available in profile follow the step otherwise go to Step [3].

A) Click ‘Add Profile Section’ icon and select “Procedures” menu from the drop down list

Step [3]: Click “Add” button from “Procedures” tab. A popup screen will appear to add existing script procedure.

Step [4]:

A) Choose the script procedure from the search box Procedure Name, select the date from the Start Date field, select the value from Schedule drop-down, Select the time from the Scheduled Time and Select ‘End Date’ from Finish Date and Choose the date from the field next to Finish Date.

B) Select "Run as system user’ to run the procedure as ITSM User (Administrator Privilege) or Select ‘Run as logged in user’ to run the procedure as Logged in User of the local machine.

Step [5]: Click ‘Add’ button to successfully complete schedule of the procedure.

Once the steps are completed, the scheduled procedure will be run automatically on devices where the profile is applied.