WIKI: In and Outs of ITSM Patch Management (with Bonus Best Practices)

Hi everyone,

Here is how you can leverage and enjoy the new patch management functionality over ITSM…

#1: How to check patch status and deploy selected patches for a particular device

Step 1: Click your device and go to patch management tab - the available patches for the particular devices will be listed

Step 2 : Use the filter to sort patches based on your desired criteria

Step 3: To deploy the patches , Select the necessary patches using checkbox and click "Install Patches " button on the top.

Step 4: Selected Patches will be added to install queue and would be applied immediately on next successful communication with device.

#2: How to deploy the patches from Patch Inventory
Step 1: Go to ITSM –> Applications –> Patch Management : All the available patches regardless of the devices will be listed here. You can see how many devices have that patch item installed and how many of them don’t have it installed. You can click to see the details.

Step 2: Use the filter to sort patches based on your desired criteria.

Step 3: To deploy the patches , Select the necessary patches using checkbox and click "Install Patches " button on the top.

Step 4: Selected Patches will be added to install queue and would be applied immediately on next successful communication with device.

#3: How to schedule a patch procedure under profile for automated maintenance?

Step 1: Go to ITSM –> Configuration Templates –> Profiles / select the profile that you want to schedule the patch procedure

Step 2: Click ‘Add Profile Section’ button on the top and select the procedures (if you don’t have this section already on the profile. If you have it, just click edit and proceed with next step).

Step 3: Click Add within the Procedures option and you would be able to see window dialog to add existing patch procedure.

Step 4: Select patch procedure from search box, select start date,select repeat frequency and start time to schedule the procedure.

Step 5: Finally Click ‘Add’ to successfully schedule the procedure.

Step 6: Once saved, that Procedure then becomes a part of that Profile and will be scheduled to automatically run the procedure on defined periods.

BONUS: Best practices for patch maintenance

We suggest to schedule predefined

  • "Critical Patch Updates" and "Security Patch Updates" procedures very frequently (daily) under your active profile(s)
  • "Patch Maintenance" procedure on weekly schedule under your active profiles

#4: How to create a new patch procedure and run over devices
Step 1: Go to ITSM –> Configuration Templates –> Procedures menu

Step 2: Choose Create and then Create Patch Procedure from the dropdown

Step 3: Enter the Patch Procedure Name, Description, and choose the folder. Then Create.

Step 4: Once created, you have the ability to edit the General Information as well as set the alert for the Procedure.

Step 5: Set the Execution Options by choosing Edit. From here you can choose which kind of updates you would like to install and the severity level of the updates. Click ‘Save’.

Once these steps have been completed and you approve the new procedure, you can then either run the Procedure over all devices or select specific devices you want to run it on.

Step 1: Click Run.
Step 2: Select all devices or select devices specifically and click ‘Run’ button to execute the procedure

Extra: You can check “Execution Log’” tab over the same procedure to check the execution status and logs over devices.

Please let us know your feedback about these options and functionality…


Just what i need it, no more patch client.
You guys work very fast i’m stunned.

Great job!

When will this include 3rd party patches such as Adobe, Java, etc?

we have a small army of developers, writing code every day! This can only result in amazing progress and amazing features with every release! This is only the start! Our IT Admin partners and MSPs deserve the best!


We are now working on 3rd Party Application patches. You will have the best one in early 2017.


Will test and provide feedback.

Thank you for sharing this. What a tremendous help to get these feature changes like this. Helps pass on the knowledge and use of the new features. This type of stuff leads to earlier adoption when you understand. Great job and keep these wiki’s coming.

Hi everyone,

We also posted the same content as blog for your easy reference.


Hello, how do I check the progress of manual patch deployments? Lets say I trigger patch updates for 15 devices, one at a time manually. Is there a progress report to see the status of all the jobs? I know I can go into each device, but would like to see a progress overview for all patch jobs (procedures) Manual jobs don’t seem to appear in the deployed jobs.

You can try the following method @Rickkee.
Generate Patch Statuses Report