WIKI:SD- How to create and use canned responses?

‘Canned Response’ allows a user to create a template message and it can be used by technicians for a quick reply to the customer in a ticket later.

Step [1]: Go to Service Desk and Choose ‘Canned Responses’ from ‘Knowledgebase’ tab menu

Step [2]: Click ‘Add New Response’ icon

Step [3]: Select the department from ‘Department’ drop-down that related to the issue of the ticket. Example: Support

Keep the ‘Status’ as in the screen ‘Active’ if you would like to use the canned response immediately otherwise choose ‘Disabled’ from the Status field

Step [4]: Fill the form for rest of the fields

  • Enter the subject of the ticket in 'Title' text box. Example, Ticket Status Update on Demand
  • Enter generic response in the 'Canned Response' text area. Example, Please follow the details below for your ticket status.
  • Please attach any file in Canned Attachments you would like to response to the customer with file or with image
  • Provide description of the Canned Response for your reference in Internal Notes text area
  • Click Add Response button

** Supported Variables, which are the variable for dynamic values based on the needs of the ticket change. Example, %{ticket.numer} is the variable to hold the particular ticket number.

Ensure you would have a system message that “Canned response added successfully” with background of green color span

Step [5]: Select ‘Tickets’ from ‘Tickets’ tab menu

Step [6]: Enter the ticket number into the Search box and Click the ‘Search’ button. Example, 1350

Step [7]: Click on the subject line of the ticket

Step [8]: Click ‘Response’ field and Choose the preferred canned response from the drop-down. Example, Ticket Status Update On Demand.

Step [9]: Click the button ‘Post Reply’

  • Ensure the body of the Canned Response is loaded there in the Text-Area. You can repeat choosing Responses you would like to combine more than one Response.
  • Uncheck the Attachments you would like to not use it with the response now.
  • Ensure you receive system response after posting the reply. the response message would be 'Reply posted successfully' with green color background span.