Windows 8.1 system being improperly reported by RMM as OS "Unknown"

Windows 8.1
Windows Version - 6.2.9200
Model: - HP 18-5010
Communication Client version - 6.26.23576.19030
Processor - AMD E1-2500 APU with Radeon™ HD Graphics

Also no reported info on:
RAM usage %
Networks Tab all shows N/A
Disk Usage N/A% on all drives

Hi @jacubes
Is the Windows 8.1 machine newly enrolled? Has the machine been restarted since enrollment? Are there other machines exhibiting this same ‘behavior’?

it’s been enrolled for about 2 months and it’s shown this behavior since day 1… yes, it’s been rebooted several times. It’s the only PC showing this behavior but it’s the only one running Windows 8.x.

All other systems run: Win7, Win10, Windows server 2012, 2016 and no problems with those.

We created a support ticket for your concern @jacubes as we may need to ask sensitive information about the affected machine. Feel free to reply at your convenience.