Windows event log monitoring

It seems the alert from event logs just say that an error occurred but it doesn’t list anything as to the event details.

Hi mspsupport ,

I assume you configured an “Event” condition under the Monitoring section of your device profile. In order to understand the problem could you please share the details/screenshot of the following configurations:

  1. “General” tab of the Monitoring you configured under the “Monitoring” section of the Profile you assigned
  2. “Event Condition” of the Monitoring you configured under the “Monitoring” section of the Profile you assigned
  3. The alert that you received
  4. “Monitoring Logs” section of the Device

Best Regards

Deleted: Sorry, wrong post…

for that I had set it up to monitor every critical event. it will report a critical even in the ticket but wont list the event ID or anything like that/ in the auto created ticket.

I know the issue your talking about and the error mesage is not worded correctly either. I have a script set up as the auto remediation script that pulls the last 10 critical logs, most of the time there is nothing there even if I check the log there is no critical event at all

it would be a lot better if it listed what event actually triggered the alert to try and track it down

Hello @mspsupport , @dougaust ,

We have contacted you by email regarding the reported issues.