Windows Server Backup monitoring

Does anyone know how to get the RMM/ITSM to monitor and alert on Windows Server Backup failures? From what I’m reading and trying to implement, I have to add Event ID notifications, but surely there must be another way?

Hello @scoplin_redrock ,

Currently this would be possible only through monitoring Windows events, as you mentioned. The backup success Event ID will vary from vendor to vendor.
Backup (vendor agnostic) Monitoring was forwarded as a feature request to our Development team. We will keep you informed on our progress.

we can write it as a script for you maybe? If a script will do it, you can request it in the “request script” thread so that our guys can write the script for you asap.

Thanks. My context is coming from Continuum. They monitor Windows Server Backup (built in to 2008/2012/2016) and Backup Exec, among a few others. It’s mainly WSB that I’m looking to monitor. If a backup fails, raise a ticket. If the next scheduled backup completes, close the ticket. That’s the end goal I’m aiming for. I’m not sure what all capabilities we have with scripts. Would a script be able to do something like that?

Hello @scoplin_redrock

We will escalate your request and get back to you as soon as possible with more updates.

so has this been something that we can now monitor?

Hi @geekpoint
The server backup monitoring feature planned release is in Q4 of 2017. Thank you.

Hi @scoplin_redrock

Please refer the script this will monitor the backup events and generates an alert if the back up failed in the past 24 hours.
please refer

And also we would like to suggest you an another script, it will monitor the backup events and generates an alert if the back up completed successfully as well if the back up failed.
Please refer the link

The above-provided scripts are custom monitoring scripts. So for more information on how to run a script as custom monitoring please refer