Windows update fix script

A Windows update fix script would be great.

There are a variety of methods to fix it, but often renaming the software deployment directory and things like that are common. For those machines where “updates” just don’t seem to be happening (you try to push a patch to them in ITSM but you come back a day later and nothing…) this might be useful. I’m not sure one exactly what are the best steps to take for this script, so this post is more to just start the discussion.

Hi @indieserve,

Thank you for contacting us.

Sometimes users face various problems related to Windows Update such as not being able to download or install updates, getting random error messages, not being able to search for new updates, etc.

Hence you request a script to fix these kinds of issues, Am I right?

If I am not right, please provide some more details with example scenarios.

Thank you.

That’s correct. Generally the fixes are things like renaming the update download directory and other simple fixes, a script that would go through those common things would be great, so if I see machines that don’t seem to be getting their updates, I could run the procedure, then try to re-issue updates to it in ITSM. Right now if I see updates aren’t working, I manually login to the computer and then try the various troubleshooting steps and then manually run update, a procedure might save time.

Hi @indieserve

It will be good if we finalize troubleshooting steps for ITSM patch update here before writing script,

  1. Renaming software update directory
  2. Disabling windows auto update
  3. Restarting ITSM services

Please share if you have more ideas


Hi @indieserve

Could you please try attach script for windows update fix ,

You will not get any log for this as ITSM discontinued for few seconds due to restarting.

Let me know your feedback.

20170503-Windows-update-fix-script.json (2.83 KB)

Hi mkanna,

I think we are barking up the wrong tree here. I don’t think this is a client end situation.

Any clients I’ve added or re-installed in the past two weeks are not showing ANY data in the Patch Management tab in ITSM (third party IS populating, but not OS).

This tells me that you’ve got a backend service somewhere that isn’t running. Can you escalate to your ops department and have them take a look?

This also means that no new OS patches are being discovered/deployed for any older systems, I think we are in effect “frozen” - or at least my account is (I assume you have clients stuff spread across a bunch of AWS instances) so this may not be ‘broken’ for everyone.

Hi @indieserve

Yes sure, I will escalate this issue to our devs.

You can use above script during general operation failure of patch management after fixing this issue.


Thanks Kannan!