Word Macros Installed to Normal.DOTM

We need a script that is capable of copying over the default normal.dotm file of the current logged in user’s normal.dotm file with a copy that contains custom modifications from a location on the client server (that location does not change - this can be a mapped drive or a URL - doesn’t matter) so that they have access to custom letterhead macros and signature block macros, etc … Most likely both Word and Outlook will need to be closed prior to running the file overwrite for it to take affect properly, and the end user would need to be alerted to this going to happen and would need to answer OK for it to happen, and if they answer NO, for the entire script to be rescheduled for like 30 mins later and to re-prompt again and just continue to run until it got a YES answer (the script would have to assume a NO answer after a few mins or just stay up until it got an answer of some sort) … The location of the normal.dotm file to overwrite depends on the version of Word that exists on the system … and the location is pulled from the registry key under HKCU\Software\Microsoft<version#>\Common\General\UserTemplates (or very close to this) - where the version# is =

Word 2003 = 11.0
Word 2007 = 12.0
Word 2010 = 14.0
Word 2013 = 15.0
Word 2016 = 16.0

Hi @tfehlberg

       we will Analyze your script Request and will update you once its completed

Thank you

Hi @tfehlberg

We have completed Your script Request

please refer the attached json file:

you must run the script as Logged in User and you must Give all parameters instruction within the script

Thank you

20171229-dotm.json (3.31 KB)