Would be nice have to received an email from Comodo...

What’s done is done guys. But in the future could you please send out a mass email to your your clients saying you are doing an upgrade on the day between the hours of xAM to xPM and that you’ll send another email if it will take any longer and also what people should expect such as CRC services and the RMM portal will be offline.

Its better business practice to keep everyone informed instead of having them connect to the forums to find out what’s really going on.


Hello @smoothrunnings ,

We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience. We had send a mail to all C1 accounts 1 week prior to release as below to give a chance to align their plans according to the maintenance period. We will be sending another mail in the last week also to make sure it is not missed.

As @Damon C provided we will also implement a notification on the login page and also another notification bar on the top of the all C1 pages to show upcoming release. Currently this feature is planned to be available with the next release (early March), so before the April and future releases you will be seeing the release notification on each page on C1.

Thanks for your open communication.



They did email and place a post on the forum, but in addition to the feature request, perhaps notices could be placed on the status page too https://status.one.comodo.com/

Thanks @nct , that’s a good idea as usual :wink: @Damon C can you please create a feature request for this, so we can address it.

Best Regards

@ahmetenes Thanks, you also need the status page to reflex the EU and US services, whereas at present it is just for the EU.

Hi @nct
Regarding your suggestions for improvements on the Comodo ONE Status page, we forwarded them to the Product Development team for further analysis. We will inform you of any updates once we get word from the team.

@ahmetenes ,

Feature Request had been created @Damon