Wrong Group show on devices

I have a couple of groups in our ITSM and devices added to them, but when I look at the devices group membership it only shows “Default Company” as group name.

The computer “PLCAM1” is in the group IT.

But when I check the “Groups” on the device it says “Default Company”.

You need to “add to Group”, then it will show in that group, it should also remove it from the the default comapny.

Hi @Noiden ,

Additional, Here`s the step by step process on how to move devices from one company/group to another.

  1. Go to Device management click the check box beside the device you want to move
  2. Click More (upper right hand corner) > Owner > Change Owner
  3. Type the Company name or the owner of the company.
  4. This will bring your devices to default group under the company you selected
  5. If you created other group under the selected company, lets say the name is Group X :
    “Group X” > Group management > Add Devices to group > choose the device > Add selected devices > confirm

Please let us know if you need anything else. Thank you.

I have already done all this, the thing is that in Group Management the devices shows up in the right group, but when I check the group on the device view, it shows “Default Company”.

Hi @Noiden
You may want to double-check the Device Group Membership as adding an endpoint to another group does not necessarily remove such an endpoint from its existing group assignment. In there, you will be able to further ‘refine’ an endpoint’s membership.

Please feel free to reach out to us if you need further assistance or clarification. Thank you.

I have checked all groups and it is just in the group as it should, I have no computers in the “Default Company” but when I check groups on the device, it says it is in that group but it is actually in another group.

Hello @Noiden ,

We already received the support ticket you have created regarding this issue.
We will continue working on this concern from that ticket and
rest assured that we will never get tired helping you until the issue is fully resolved.

Thank you for continue choosing Comodo ONE!
