Your Apple Push Notification service (APNs) certificate is not configured properly

I keep getting these messages and I have no apple certificate. I DID open it up to look at it, but now I am pestered daily. How do I stop it from repeatedly
sending me this error messaqe. I currently have NO appli IDS or devices.

@solarjdp ,

We apologized for any inconvenience this has caused you. We have created a support ticket regarding your reported issue. Please check your forum registered email at your convenience.

This post is exactly what I am experiencing. I get this “notification” that an ERROR has occurred because “I” haven’t configured something properly. I get this annoyatron every other day and have to mark it as read to move on without the ugly red CTA on the notifications icon. This needs to STOP.

Also, this thread is 10 months old, how has this issue gone unaddressed for this long?


We have created also a support ticket for you regarding your reported issue. Please check your forum registered email at your convenience.