Cobian Backup 11 Silent Installation


Can you please help me create a script to install the Cobian Backup 11 Gravity silently?


Hi @alfie013

Thank you for contacting us – we will get back to you soon with the script!


Hi @alfie013

Refer this script to install Cobian Backup 11 software,

Thank you.

Thanks Preethi. It worked. How about importing the settings ( and confirguration (MainList.lst) to each enpoint? Can you please help me create a script for that?

Hi @alfie013

We will modify and update the script with the changes as you specified.

Thank you.

Hi @alfie013

Thanks Preethi. It worked. How about importing the settings ( and confirguration (MainList.lst) to each enpoint? Can you please help me create a script for that?

The files are already available on the endpoint under the installed Program Files package (i.e, Program Files\Cobian Backup 11).Could you please check the following files MainList.lst, cbEngine on the endpoint?


Hi @Preethi,

Yes these. Those are an auto-generated file. What I wanted to do is to create a custom settings (i.e. sending a logs email, disabling welcome screen and backup screen, etc) and configuration (i.e. Weekly backup every Monday at 11 AM AP, the Source will be “C:\Users” and the destination is an FTP Server) to be able to deploy to each endpoint.


Hi @alfie013

We will analyze and update the script request soon.

Thank you

Hello Preethi,

Any update on this? Also, I have attached my settings that you can use for the script.


cbEngine.txt (4.13 KB)

MainList.txt (1.51 KB)

Hi @alfie013

We are progressing the script. Once it gets completed, we will update as soon as possible.

Thank You

Hi @Preethi ,

I noticed just now that after installing the Cobian Backup 11, the services CobainBackup11 is missing. Can you please help modify the script again?

Hi @alfie013

We will check it out and update the modified script as per request.

Thank you

Hi @alfie013

Refer the attached JSON for installiCobianian backup software. Please let us know and provide your feedback to us.

Thank you

20180411-cobian_install.json (3.85 KB)

Hi @Preethi,

Thanks. I’ll test it out.
