Comodo Remote Control shows device offline but it's not

I have the latest Comodo Remote Control installed and it shows devices offline, but they are not.

Comodo Client Communication shows it’s communicating

ITSM Show the device as “green”

But in Comodo Remote Control it’s grey

2017-10-25 16_08_26.png

2017-10-25 16_08_20-IT and Security Manager.png

2017-10-25 16_08_11-COMODO Remote Control.png

I tried to connect with Comodo Remote Control through ITSM and it did connect, so seems to be some issue with the Comodo Remote Control Client to update the client status or something…

Hi @Noiden
We thank you for bringing this observation to our attention. To help us with investigating this concern, we created a support ticket in your behalf. Please do reply to the support ticket at your own good time.

I have the same problem with comodo remote control. In ITSM Show the devices as green, but in Comodo Remote Control are grey. How can i solve it?

@diego.saoncella ,

We have urgently reported your issue to our Product team, Please check again for any changes.

can we get an update on this issue. All devices showing as offline, and can’t connect using the old RMM either. C1 Status doesn’t report any issues.

@curatrix_pl ,

As per our Developers response, the issue with all devices appearing offline on CRC should be resolved by now. I was able to log in on the Old RMM Tool as well. Can you please try to access the remote tools once more.

Devices are still all showing offline in CRC!!!

Hi @Marveltec
As of this post, are you still seeing all the devices to be offline in the CRC?

yes all devices still showing offline

Is there no update on this?

Hi @diego.saoncella @curatrix_pl @Marveltec ,

We have escalated this case and our Developers are already working on it. We will get back to you as soon we have updates through email. Thank you.

I see the same several times too.

Hi, we have responded to several emails regarding this support ticket. all of our staff who have comodo remote control access (6 of us) show the same all our client endpoints are offline. we have tried from multiple internet breakouts and locations as well as on all of our in house endpoints. this is not a endpoint or PC specific issue it is across the board for our whole setup. the support/resolution response time form Comodo is less then acceptable.

Hello @Marveltec,

We appreciate the additional information given. Our development team is still working on this matter and we will relay the given details for them to be aware of the scenario on your account environment. Thank you

I know it feels like piling on but I just ran into this as well.
I have a remote client that needed support today. When I went to connect to the computer I see it listed as online in the web dashboard. I clicked on the computer and then selected Remote Control. This, as it was supposed to do, opened the Comodo Remote Control App. The App attempts to connect to the client computer but returns “connection error: the specified device isn’t ready”. I have verified that the agent is in fact running on the remote computer. I just can’t connect to it.
It seems this is the same issue reported here. I just want to add any detail I can to see if it can help with the resolution.

@integratednetworksol ,

We have created a support ticket in regards to your report. Please check your forum registered email at your convenience.

Sometimes the devices is showing offline in the RMM but if I go to device list, select the device and hit remote control it will connect.

@integratednetworksol @smartcloud ,

As of the current status of C1 Portal. We are still experiencing intermittencies. We have reached out to our Product Team and are currently working on resolving the issue.

To anyone who might be experiencing the same situation as the other forum users who reported in this thread, please check if the CRC is being blocked by a non-Comodo antivirus product. If the non-Comodo antivirus product was recently updated and CRC stopped working properly around the same time, please try adding CRC to the non-Comodo antivirus product’s exclusion rules (check the HTTP web protocol filtering).

This advice is based on what @Marveltec experienced with his enrolled endpoints that have the ESET Endpoint Antivirus running on them. After excluding CRC, they were able to use CRC like before.