Comodo Security AntoVirus has started to S...l...o...w.... down my user computers

Although higher maintenance then most packages, overall I’ve been comfortable with the higher level of protection that Comodo provides. However, sometime over the last 10 days many of my customer’s computers have become almost unusable because of the antivirus module (for example: Excel takes 20 seconds to load, turn off A/V it loads in 1-2 secs, a command prompt takes 15 seconds to load, turn off a/v and it loads instantly).

This didn’t perform like this in previous versions, now all of my customers that are on the .6397 version seem to be having issues, and on top of that there was some issue where some of the CCS directories got renamed to CCS.old and the security client is no longer communicating with the console (fix is to go to the computers and rename these folders back).

Guys, great approach but you need to get your QA in line and you need to be benchmarking the affect of this product, I have users with brand spanking new computers that are trying to use the microsoft snippet tool to make a user manual, so the simplest of tasks, and it’s taking 30 seconds to cut and paste a picture – not acceptable!

What spec are the PCs @DaveZChi and have you spoken to support about this yet?
I’ve got many PCs running and I’m not encountering speed issues since the Oct upgrade.

Hi @DaveZChi ,

Thank you for raising this concern. We have created a support ticket regarding this topic.


Dell 3040 i5 processors with 4Gb RAM. They were running fine until late October

Hi @vitalsupport
Was there a scheduled AV scan/update at that time (referring to your screenshot)? Also any ‘non-whitelisted’ software running at that time? ‘Non-whitelisted’ here refers to applications not exempted from containment/HIPS/antivirus.

This is on every computer, dozens, all that had been running fine. Opening any Office app, opening web browsers, opening the CMD prompt. Did time trials, 14 to 40 times longer to open than normal. I click on ANTIVIRUS - disable and during those few minutes that A/V is off everything is normal. It’s your antivirus, I’m working with support but I find it hard to believe this is my issue, I have 4 different customers reporting this on all of their machines.

@DaveZChi To reassure you, we are not seeing this issue with any of our clients and we have several hundred installs of Comodo Client Security.

What speed / configs. My complaints are coming from i5’s with regular HDDs. I don’t have complaints from i7’s with SSD drives. I’ve timed it with antivirus off and back on and its a huge difference, I’ll be doing time trials tonight with a Comodo rep on the screen with me, perhaps it was just a bad pattern file. I also had a bunch of PC’s where the Comodo update renamed the client security folder to foldername-old which I had to fix (which was a known issue)… these were all working great too… until they weren’t.

Rest assured, we’ll get to the bottom of this CCS conflict, @DaveZChi . We appreciate your patience on the matter.

@DaveZChi I have CCS on i3 and i5s with 4 and 8GB RAM using regular HDDs, with no major speed issues. I would suggest you apply a default profile to a PC to test configuration.

good idea, I actually had created a testing profile which was a duplicate of a production profile that I was tweaking, I like your idea. Let me give it a whirl .

@Rick_C No scheduled scan. It has stayed like this all day. The visible impact on my system is small overall but not trivial because it’s a Xeon hyperthreaded quad-core with 24GB and SSDs. The 10-15% just makes my computer run warmer and use more energy.

I had disabled all of the security features, AV, Firewall, HIPS (off by default), Autocontainment, Viruscope, Web Filtering, Detect Shell Code, Heuristic commandline analysis. Nothing changed. However I think that whatever policy was applied originally stuck to it when I moved into a group with no policy. A few minutes after the changes it gets set back to the policy settings it had before. I ended up making a new policy where I disabled all of the services. Even after those successfully applied it was still sucking the same 10-15%.

Hello @vitalsupport ,

We will send you an email regarding this concern for further investigation.


Alas, that worked even worse. Here’s the funny thing, I removed comodo secrurity (not an easy task as it died during the uninstall and I had to use their tool which ran for like 3 hours, which is absolutely ridiculous). Did a clean install and its working great. i’m rapidly loosing patience with this product, the last two weeks I’ve poured thousands of billable hours in working with weird slow downs, I have a brand new machine that’s locking up because of comodo (there are hundreds of comodo remote errors in the logs), etc… this is just too much negative impact on my user community and I don’t have time to deal with it.

Looking forward to resolution, I worked with one of your support staff to collect stats. His comments when we tried to open Outlook was … WOW, that was slow. Turned off A/V and Containment and it opened in 1 second; when on took around 45 seconds.

@Jay I ultimately uninstalled CCS from my PC which did not successfully remove the software. After the reboot it went back to using CPU time. I ended up using the CIS uninstaller tool to kill it then things went back to normal.

Hi @vitalsupport,

The issue you are currently facing needs investigation by the development team. We’ve resent the email that was previously sent to gather this information and get a better understanding of the issue and resolve it. Kindly respond to the email.

Thank you.

FYI, I’ve never had a situation where the clean up tool has taken 3 hours to complete and again, no major degradation in performance with the current version.

Hi All,

I have noticed slow down, errors and poor performance even on systems that do not have CCS installed but have CIS or Kaspersky.

Could it be the ITSM agent, as when it is uninstalled the system responsiveness returns to as it should be and no errors or GUI freezes?

Hi @bob-sawyer
The ITSM client helps reinforce the ‘device settings’ set on the assigned Profile of that device. You may need to double-check configurations in there so that only those (settings) that you choose to restrict will be affected when a device gets enrolled to your ITSM portal.