Do anybody REALLY use Comodo One RMM in a production environment?

Hi everyone,

This is my second time giving Comodo One RMM a chance, and one more time I’m disappointed. I just keep finding bugs and bugs and things that don’t work. Yes, the GUI is nice and that is what attracts me the most, but the underlying code just seems to be full of bugs. Do anybody really finds this product reliable? Do anybody use this product in a production environment?

I know Comodo is trying to attract customers to their other paid products, like their antivirus, but my personal opinion is that this is not a very good strategy. First of all, your free product has to be rock solid in order to impress your potential customers. Second, your free product cannot be as complex as an RMM solution or you will be spending more time on your free product than on your paid product, or not spend enough time on your free product to make it worthwhile. These free solutions just make me not feel confident about any of the Comodo products and I bet there are other people who feel the same.

What do you think?

Hello @zyrk,

We appreciate for sharing your opinions and thoughts with the product, especially with the RMM. Yes, we have lots of customers using the RMM product in the production environment and they are happy with the product. There are times that they encounter issue or problem and we in support together with our development team works to resolve the reported issue for our customer.

May we request to let us know the error or the bug you encountered with the RMM product for us to address and provide the appropriate solution to the issue. You may also share your ideas for the product improvement for us to review and possibly apply it in the feature.

Thank you and we hope you will let us assist you with your RMM issue.

One of the many issues I have encountered is that the Online / offline monitor doesn’t work at all.

@zyrk I know development is working on this issue, it is improving, and they are running beta versions on one of my servers to try and fix the issue.

Hi @zyrk ,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention, We will coordinate with you via support to properly address your monitoring concerns.

I just found a HUUUGE SECURITY BUG. I was just trying to see how I could download and install ScreenConnect using a procedure. So after some testing I was able to create a procedure that does so. I ran that procedure on about 3 computers and saw them appear on my ScreenConnect portal just as expected. But after 2 minutes I noticed that 3 unknown computers also showed up in my ScreenConnect portal. The 3 computers have the same public IP address and one of them is called SBOXVM-PC

This is what I’m talking about. This platform is full of bugs and apparently full of security issues as well. I think I’ll give up and move on to another solution. I can’t take the risk of having any Comodo One users run procedures on my computers and do whatever they’d like.

Hi Mark,

The scenario you mentioned is highly unlikely but let’s put our doubts aside. Support team already communicated with you for logs and details. Could you please provide those as soon as possible for investigation?


that IP is the external IP of a SonicWALL (super massive) do Comodo use these firewalls?

tracert ends up here…


please see case [#LBV-752-71211]: weird info,

something similar happened on my ITSM.

Hi James,

In your case, you saw internal procedures (that we use on system level to check the endpoint metrics, etc…) reported as “staff” triggered and they reflected to your interface. So, it was a defect about procedure classification and resolved.

We are still waiting for logs and details for this case. We will post the outcome here as well once we have the required data.


I have run into a ton of issues and am unable to use it as a sole solution for my customers. I have to have a more reliable solution. We had our service desk through Comodo and the service desk went down for 3 days. We have since moved that function to another provider but are in hopes that in a year we could move back. We still deploy it as a test environment but cannot depend on the alerting or uptime as of last month even the ITSM went down in the middle of the day for several hours.

Another thing is we send in feature requests for the last two years and they keep getting delayed. There is also no way to get a reliable machine report to send to customers. They need to have the ability to pull reports of all machines, billable time with more than a ticket number to reference, the ability to export to quickbooks, White labeling everything, Dashboard for machines with alerts/offlne, and the ability to track machines instead of hours for billing purposes.

I agree they are not ready for bigtime but it has come a long way in two years.If they really push hard on delivering the bare necessities and do it well with no more downtime during business hours I would be happy to call it our solution.

I’m testing the platform shortly.

It is clear that the RMM Comodo has potential.
But actually getting guinea pig for an RMM system is complicated.

I am also concerned about a report of such a serious security breach. Especially by the Comodo if it is a company of Security.

I also have problems with instability in the monitoring function, in the execution of procedures and also in the status of the agents.

It may be better to pay an affordable price for something that is already ready and affordable, such as Pulseway or Atera.

I will continue my tests until next week, when the new version will come out.

I hope these BASIC problems are solved.

In addition, it is unclear whether in the future COMODO will start charging for agents. Have you ever figured out if you have about 200 agents installed and COMODO decides to charge for agents? It could bankrupt or hurt many MSPs.

It really is necessary to think very well.

COMODO should improve and clarify many things.

Comodo @melih has made it very clear they will never charge for the RMM platform.

Would happily pay a small subscription, if it would improve stability.

What about the other related problems?

About security failures, failure to perform procedures, scheduling failures, and monitoring failures.

What is COMODO’s position?

It will always be free and it will improve with every release!

At the moment I do not need many improvements.

I just need basic functions to work smoothly.
For example:
Today there are failures in the execution of the procedures, failures in scheduling and failures in monitoring. These are basic items of an RMM.

RMM must be synonymous with AUTOMATION

I think COMODO does not have physical infrastructure to guarantee the functioning of the system.

Well, bugs do happen, we are not the first software company to have bugs, and happy to bet that we are not going to be the last one either!
The question is not whether we will have bugs or not but how we will deal with them, because everyone will have bugs.

We deal with all these issues by investing heavily and improve with each and every release as well as engaging and reacting with our partners immediately.

With every release:
-The number of bugs is reducing
-The stability is improving
-Efficiency increasing
-Workflow is improving

The way we work is by being there for you 24/7/365 and heavily investing to make the product better each and every release.

@skills If you have a specific issue, we will be more than happy to appoint our dev team to take a look at it immediately.

As I said:
At the moment, I just need the basics to work well.

And yes, I’d like someone from the support to check the reason for the delay in performing the procedures and also the reason why many procedures do not run.

This is the first item in a series of problems I’ve encountered.

@skills ,

We understand that there are issues that you are experiencing that needs urgent solutions. We will create a support ticket and contact you via email for making arrangements