Do you use Logmein/Teamviewer in your MSP business?

Hello @enlightenedit ,

In RMM this feature is the default behavior, when you remote into an endpoint that has several monitors, you would see a single image comprised of all the screens detected by the compute.

Hello @nct ,

We are pleased to inform you that the implementation of the feature that you have requested (Ability to record remote sessions) is scheduled to be included in our upcoming release due on Q2 2017.

We appreciate your patience and your understanding in this matter!

I would like to also be able to see the enduser’s mouse pointer, sometimes they are trying to show me stuff with the mouse, and I can’t see it.

Hello @BOSS ,

Thank you for the feedback. We have escalated the request and sent you an email. As soon as we’ll have updates on the request, we will let you know!

Some further suggestions:
Share the screen with another technician.
Transfer control to another technician.
Have a laser pointer to direct the user.
Take screen shots.
Link the Remote Control tool with a support ticket.

Finally, with MSP Anywhere we can provide an account for an end user’s technician to login to just their PCs.

Hello @nct

Thank you for your interest in Comodo One!
We have escalated the requests and we will get back to you as soon as possible with more updates.

Hello @nct ,

Just a quick update: the “Feature request: ability to share takeover screen with another technician (staff)” is planned to be implemented in the 2’nd quarter of 2017.

A handy feature would be the ability to block local input or blank the screen (or ideally both) on the end point computers

Hello @dougaust ,

Blank screen during remote (like when you RDP into an endpoint) is scheduled to be implemented in Q1 2017 and the ability to lock user input (block their keyboard and mouse control) over the remote is scheduled to be released in Q4 2016.

We will keep you updated on the progress of these 2 requests.

Thanks, not essential but there are situations where it would be handy. I have a few things where I have been remote supporting people and they just wont leave the mouse alone

A few more requests, please:
The ability to set that once we end remote control it locks the end user’s screen.

Option for additional authentication when connecting, that it requires the Windows administrator credentials.

Ability to change the level of: compression, colours etc for slower connections.

Option to reboot to safe mode with networking and still be able to remotely access the client.

Emergency reboot for a hung system to force a restart regardless of open windows.




We have forwarded your requests to the appropriate department. We will send you an e-mail in order to keep you informed on the progress made.

I don’t want the screen to go blank all the time, needs to be able to toggle these features.

I have changed the color depth and other things when logged in remotely, I have also used the feature about reboot in safe mode with networking and ability to reconnect, it is an option under power manager in the console.

Hello @BOSS ,

We have updated your request and we will let you know once we have any news on this feature.

We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter!

As I have just started exploring your One product, so far its pretty good! My thought here is that you should take a look at Pulseway’s mobile app, it does almost everything your RMM console does just in a readable mobile format. I would GLADLY pay you for an app along those lines!

Hello @izzyforeal

Thank you for the feedback on our platform. We will forward it to the team as well, and point out the Feature Request for a mobile app of RMM.

The main thing missing from you remote control tool that others have is ease of you. Other products have a quick support options, where there is no installation necessary, no additional prompts steps. It seems Comodo One is focus on established companies in the field, not ones trying to make the move to MSP from break/fix type of operations. I get a lot of one offs, installing your software won’t work, too slow and additional steps to get to the desktop screen.

You would get quickly more adoption/use just having that in place, that other tools have, beside these two.

Hello @TechnoEXPRESS ,

Thank you for your feedback, we appreciate it.
Could you please provide us more details about the exact issues you are encountering, we will then have them addressed one by one. Also, when you encounter a problem, the fastest way to have it resolved would be by opening a ticket with our Support Department:
Regarding the installation of additional software currently required, if you are referring to PM and RMM Agents, we are moving towards integrating the PM and RMM functionalities into ITSM completely and at that point only the ITSM communication agent will be needed.
We are doing our best to continuously improve the Comodo One platform so any suggestions regarding the current functionality or new features are highly appreciated.

I’m not having a problem. your software is just designed to work in a different way in comparison to Teamviewer/Logmein and others. When taking over a computer it should go straight to the users desktop, not to a screen where you choose to deploy tools the way Comodo does it.