Get hard disk S.M.A.R.T. status report not working

Hi, I have posted this issue in the Scripts section as well but have not received a response.

I am getting errors trying to run hard disk health report & notify of SMART health change.

I believe it is because the smartctl is x86 and not running on Windows 10 x64?

Looking for a fix to check customers hard drive health regularly as a profile.

Hi @russtech,

Sorry for the delay response. Please check the response posted here

Kind Regards,


The two scripts I found in the Procedures both seem to use smartctl. (Alerts if health status changes in the S.M.A.R.T status of hard drives & Get hard disk S.M.A.R.T. status report).

I am trying to find the script you referenced now.

Thank you.

I am about to test the script you provided now. Thank you very much.

Is there a way to set this up as an alert so that if it fails then I get alerted. This would be much easier than emailing log or checking log if computer is running slow, etc.?

Hi @russtech,

Please try this JSON file and let us know if you have any issue

Kind Regards,

20210303-SMART-failure-test.json (2.64 KB)

I am using the first one you sent me. Is this JSON an alert or a procedure?

Hi @russtech,

The provided JSON file is a monitoring script, you will receive alert if it fails as requested.

Kind Regards,

Excellent. I wil test it now.

Thank you very much.

Im not sure how to add this as a monitoring script. Do I add it as a procedure or as a condition under monitors?

When I add in the text of the JSON file I get this error:

  • Please write your code on below box to create your own custom script condition.
  • Please use "alert(1)" to turn on the condition (trigger an alert) and "alert(0)" to turn off the condition (disable an alert).
  • Please define the custom alert text inside the code with "Print" function

Hi @russtech,

Please check this wiki explaining how to use a custom script as a monitor

Kind Regards,