A client asked me to block some websites.
I did read the help guide but nowhere is there a topic of how to block websites:
I can configure a profile to block a hostname or ip addres. And that setting is also pushed to the machine.
But it still doesn’t work.
I saw a post from nov 2020 that it’s only possible to set it locally per device, but that should not be the case because I can see that the firewall settings are pushed to the (windows) device.
I also can’t configure it using the Defender firewall because it says that ‘Microsoft Defender is inactive because I’m using another service’.
So hope you can tell me how to block a website.
In my case I tried to block whatsapp and youtube.
And no, I don’t want to use cdome or any other product. CCS is the active firewall.
Hope support can tell me how to block some websites.
That’s a pitty. Also again a non working ‘feature’.
How is it possible that a lot of functions to manage a security product, aren’t working?
In this case the CCS has the options to do webfiltering but you can’t manage it from the management console.
I see it was already mentioned in dec 2018 for ‘long term’ dev, but thats nearly 5 years ago!
A lot of efforts were put in changing the license and billing options, including the layout for the platform, but the basic functionalities are lacking and postponed. So it is possible to implement changes fairly quick if the focus is right.
So my questions still stays:
CCS disables the windows defender. So there’s no other way to block websites only from CCS.
I can’t use windows policies from within AD to manage my clients centrally.
How can I block websites from the platform using CCS?
I understand. Xcitium or Itarian. It’s mostly still the same base. And 5 years ago it was all one team.
But for a security-product it is very bad that one windows component is disabled and that CCS can’t be used for protection… Even after all these years.
I totally agree that not being able to control all components of XCS (Was CCS under the “Comodo” branding) is not good and I’m sure the team will resolve this for you.
ITarian split from Xcitium (was Comodo back then) over 9 years ago and only focuses on our RMM, Service Desk and PSA product(s). We integrate everything that Xcitium offer us and will add this to our platform as soon as it is available from them.
As you say, the base we have is from the same origins but have moved on considerably in different ways including features, license offerings and more.
But then, using a security-platform it is very frustrating that a lot of settings aren’t working when you need them.
And when you search through the forum, and you see that it was already requested for years ago and still not implemented, it’s not very professional.
Times after times we only see the ‘promises’ but no implementations.
Except when there are billing changes. I don’t have to mention the short notification and implementation times within 2 months time. Twice!
So please urge the Xcitium product manager to implement the basic features.
For now I understand that there’s no possibility to use CCS to block some websites?
Can nobody tell me how to use the rules for now to block a website?:
Luckily, I was reading that post which is related to mine previous where I block website by utilising CSS firewall. If you’re for some guide then follow these steps:
Access your CCS firewall’s management interface.
Navigate to the URL or website filtering section.
Add the URLs of the websites you want to block to the blacklist or block list.