Itarian platform + Remote control problem

Now it tells me my username and password is not valid

I was able to see devices again in RC but they were all offline
Then online but unable to connect
Now all offline again

I am starting to wonder if Itarian saw the issue affecting AWS yesterday and since they were offline anyway they decided to push out their March upgrades early and it went completely sideways.

for remoting into the clients I can recommend ISL Online. I’ve this installed on every client as my main remote solution because the remote feature from Itarian is very limited. Like no Android/IOS app.

So if you want a backup solution for remoting in: ISL Online should do the trick.

Teamviewer is way to expensive and with this you can run your own server.

Hoping to help some of you with this info…

But if someone is going to change RMM platform, please let us know the affordable suggestions. With integrated endpoint protection…

Currently I am back into my management console and all my devices appear in remote control. Fingers Crossed that it has stabilized.

My first connection attempt to a remote PC just went through. fingers crossed it is up for good now

still not working for me

I have a computer that is clearly online and shows offline , this issue has not been resolved


We would like to inform you that the issue has been resolved.

We have added a new IP ( for host “”, therefore you should make sure that all the managed devices have unrestricted access to on port 443. Also, please make sure to restart the communication service (ITSMService) or reboot the devices after you create the necessary rules.

The IP has been added to our help guide as well:…–Endpoint-Manager-Services—IP-Nos,-Host-Names-and-Port-Details—US-Customers.html

Please check and let us know if everything is OK on your side.

Looking forward to your reply.

Andrei Siminic
Comodo Support"

Reboot the endpoint.

Still no update from Itarian in this forum.


We apologize for the outage experienced by multiple US-based users.

We have added a new IP ( for host “”, therefore you should make sure that all the managed devices have unrestricted access to on port 443. Also, please make sure to restart the communication service (ITSMService) or reboot the devices after you create the necessary rules.

We have updated the ITarian Endpoint Manager Help Guide with with this new IP address:…Customers.html

If you are still experiencing any issues, please send an email to and we will be happy to open a support case.


The communications about this outage is simply not good enough.

We (msp’s) understand about outages, we have them ourselves for one reason or another.
We are expected to communicate with our clients, email, phone, in person whenever it happens with timeframes, updates and so forth, but a banner on the website is not good enough at all.
Most of my clients would simply move on to another provider if I did what seems to be next to nothing.

Itarian, should have our registered emails, should be at least have email, link to a working live portal update and post in the forum, like I stated - outages are accepted as a part of our business, lack of communications are not.

Even today I’m getting a lot of devices with the blue status symbol, connected but not online correctly.

Last night I had a whole group of servers alert and showed off line, but they where still running and fine.
I actually sent a tech out after hours to confirm all was ok - before my clients arrived for next day at work.

Also getting a lot of security alerts with files detected then restored on systems, but cannot trace on the portal.


I was seeing the same thing today. Agents are green, then turn to blue and I can no longer connect to them remotely. If I reboot them they may show green again but they have been changing back and forth. Seems like there are still connectivity issues on the backend.

I opened a new ticket with them as we continue to have unexplained issues, specifically with machines not showing online that clearly are online. My case number is 43885976 if anyone would like to reference it if they reach out to Comodo as well.

""Hi Carl,

As discussed over the phone, please let us know if the reported issue is resolved after rebooting both the target devices and the device on which the Remote Control Application is installed.

Also, please find below the information related to the latest changes performed on our infrastructure:

We have added a new IP ( for host “”, therefore you should make sure that all the managed devices have unrestricted access to on port 443. Also, please make sure to restart the communication service (ITSMService) or reboot the devices after you create the necessary rules.
The IP has been added to our help guide as well:…–Endpoint-Manager-Services—IP-Nos,-Host-Names-and-Port-Details—US-Customers.html

Should you need any additional assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We appreciate your business.

Mihai Campeanu
Comodo Support""

The link they attached is invalid, here is the correct link:…

Has anyone noticed if these issues have been affecting email alerts? I see that I had multiple servers reporting offline overnight from about 2:15am to 5:15am CST. I noticed I had some alerts in the portal this morning but I received no emails to the address that my alert has configured.

I wonder if they were performing some sort of maintenance and their email system was also down?

I was told that in order for the devices to communicate correctly with the platform they will have to be restarted, I was told there is something with SNMP and the IP they use for collecting data on the status of the endpoints. Once I restated the devices I was having issues with it started working. This includes devices running the remote control tool.

I am currently evaluating Atera, and thus far the support is wonderful, they have chat support for the platform, and as far as I can see it offers all the same features the Itarian does, with the added benefit it doesn’t nag you to install security if one is installed. We use Defender for endpoint and chose not to deploy Comodo for the endpoint security, and I get bothered by pop-ups weekly that I don’t have security software installed, and reminds me that I should :frowning:

All my devices have been restarted. They were online and accessible prior to this morning. All of the servers I have the agent installed on show my offline alert hit around 2:20am this morning and they came back online around 5:15am this morning. I got some notifications in my Itarian portal about it, but nothing was sent to the email address I have configured in my offline alert.

I want to like and support Itarian, because they do have some neat security software and features all tied into the platform. It makes managing those things easier, but its hard when basic RMM features like sending an email alert aren’t reliable.

I have also noticed they have some issue with DKIM relating to their notifications email address, unsure if thats part of the problem? -

DKIM Syntax Check The record is not valid
DKIM Signature Body Hash Verified Body Hash Did Not Verify; dkim=fail (invalid public key)