
Looking to sync on premise Active Directory to ITSM via the Portal Setup. I see LDAP, but is LDAPS available? I don’t want to sync our directory in plain text.


Hello @derekglen
Currently, LDAP over SSL is not supported. A suggested workaround is to sync using an enrolled device, as CCC will use port 443 (https) to connect to the ITSM server. Also, the possibility of customizing the port where the secure connection for LDAP can be established is in the developers roadmap. Estimated implementation will be on Q2 2018.

Hi, can you expand on the ccc sync please, help section for example.

Hello @dittoit ,

Please use the attached guide with instructions and you should be able to sync the ITSM with the LDAP.

Please let us know if you need anything else. Thank you.

GBS-ImportingUsersfromLDAP-180616-1006-26.pdf (3.79 MB)

I’m new to ComodoOne, what is CCC?

Hello @derekglen
CCC is Comodo Client Communication. It is the mandatory client-side software of the ITSM server.

Where is the CCC? I know of the ITSM agent, is that the same thing?

The document isnt that clear i found however when you connect AD to ITSM you can choose a direct connection via the internet, or to poll LDAP via a connected client (ie a machine that has the ITSM client on it). If you install the ITSM Client on a DC then the querying happens locally to the DC and the data is pushed back to C1 via 443 over a secure channel.
