New Feature / Improvement Requests for ITarian RMM

Sorry if it has already been mentioned, I haven’t yet read through all the comments, I have found that if through RMM I want to apply a monitoring profile the computer needs to be online for this to happen, it would be great if I could select a policy and have it apply the next time the computer is online

Hello @dougaust ,

In order to apply a policy, the computer has to be online. I will escalate your request to the developers and we will keep you updated on the progress.

Thank you for your feedback!

Thanks that would save a lot of time rather than having to make sure all the computers are on, since I support home users its a bit harder to make sure the computers are on

Hi @dougaust

Our ITSM module already have this capabilities for all actions. We are going to release the new monitoring and procedures capability over ITSM in a month. With this upcoming release, you would be able to assign any monitors, procedures and profiles to any devices regardless of their state (whether online or offline).

Also, you would have more flexibility over profile management like able to assign multiple monitoring profiles to same devices and editing an existing profile.


Hi @Ilker,

I’m really looking forward to this next release.

That sounds great, I will be a great improvement :slight_smile:

I think this release next week is the turning point.
Turning point where Free RMM, FREE IT OPERATING PLATFORM that we all love called Comodo ONE is coming of age!

With every release it will continue to get better and better! Every quarter millions and millions of dollars being spent in creating this for you guys! $$$MILLIONS!!! (I know because I am signing the checks :slight_smile: )…and You know what, I will continue to do that until Comodo ONE is the Gold Standard in the industry helping you make more money!

We are all here behind you guys!


We are pleased to inform you that the implementation of the feature that you have requested (Ability to view in the RMM console/takeover screen what the last power event was (ex. restart, cold-boot, etc.) and when it occurred) is scheduled to be included in our upcoming release due on Q3.

I’d love to see these features in RMM

  • Blanking of monitor to user
  • Blocking of local keyboard\mouse so user can interfere
  • Capture of alpha blending windows in remote desktop session (Firefox download dropdown is an example of an item that uses alpha blending and can’t be seen in remote desktop)
  • Ability to switch between remotely viewing user sessions on a computer, specifically terminal servers
  • Greater control of what remote monitors are seen
  • Remembering of remote desktop settings, if I change display to original size, I want it to remember to do that next time I access the same computer
  • Using the Tab key in remote desktop should be directed to the computer I’m controlling, not the console program
  • Finer control of users, sometimes I might want a user to only see one or two companies rather than all of them
  • When choosing Enroll Device, just get a link straight away so I can download the agent on the computer I’m on without having to open my email
  • Customising of columns in Device List and Device Groups, with the arrangement remembered

I’ll add more as I think of them but these have been bubbling away in my head for a bit :slight_smile:

Hello @Galactic

Thank you for the feedback on RMM.
We will forward the Feature Request and we will get back to you if we need more details.
Thank you again.

It would be useful to be able to be able to via RMM kick off a patch managment update check, rather than having to create a once off policy it would be good to be able to make a re-usable procedure for RMM for a quick update check rather than waiting for the next update check to run

Hello @dougaust

We have forwarded your request and we will contact you via e-mail in order to keep you updated on the progress.

Hello @dougaust

RMM is not particularly involved when it comes to patching capabilities or patch management.
We are planing to introduce on demand Policy triggers by the end of Q3 2016 in the Patch Management Module.

In the meantime please take a look at the Executive Patch Report in Comodo One > Dashboard > Reports.

Thanks that sounds good, just had the issue the other day when I wanted to update a computer but it had been turned it on after the trigger time. I did create a once off task but that didn’t appear to resolve the issue so I just remoted in a manually installed the update. This was to do with with “custom” application patching bit.

Sounds like on demand triggers should do what I need

Hello @Ed_Pajewski ,

The RMM Feature request: ability to lock user input (block their keyboard and mouse control) over the remote - is planned for Q4 of 2016.

Is there a way to implement S.M.A.R.T monitoring and also a way to schedule Customers PC’s maintenance on a certain period of time?.

Hello @axatech ,

SMART monitoring is already provided, please check this page for more information about this option. Regarding maintenance scheduling, could you please elaborate this request?

Both of them are on the roadmap for ITSM as well.

@iiker and @Nike. Thanks for your fast reply.


Regarding maintenance scheduling, could you please elaborate this request?

We provide jobs to run manually, but if they are run scheduled for example every End of each month It Would be great. We schedule computer hardware cleaning and software maintenance (APPs and OS) every 45 days to all of our customers, but what We wanted to achieve is a way to do the repetitive task by using comodo and just allow us to show up on customer’s office to clean their computers, that way there would be a time optimization, with the help of Comodo.

@Nick, thanks.