New Feature / Improvement Requests for ITarian Service Desk

Hi all,

Lets use this sticky topic to suggest new features or improvements. When you are suggesting it, please provide as much as information as you can to be make it clear for everyone.

Here is a general format to suggest a new feature or improvement:

  1. Which module is it about if you require it on top of any existing module?
  2. What would be the function/feature name if you need to refer it later?
  3. What is the new feature, please describe it as you want it to be implemented.
  4. What is the benefit?
  5. Who is going to benefit?

Best regards,

Just started using Comodo One so here’s a few on the fly improvements needed. Will give more as I go.

  1. Need to be able to add more organizations so we can separate our clients.

  2. Need to be able to choose an organization when sending Announcements. So we can send them to certain clients.

  3. Need to also choose organization for the knowledgebase as different clients will have different FAQ.

all for now…

Ok see you can create organizations through the Comodo One portal.

Would be nice to choose user when sending announcements and also schedule the announcement (weekly,monthly or certain date)

eg. Announce our monthly visit, Remind Person to check Toner Cartridge, reminder of anti virus renewal, also wish the client happy birthday is a nice touch.

Would be nice to get a simple app for our phones, doesn’t need many features. Just receive ticket, assign tickets, reply to tickets etc.

We get the number 3 a few more times on the forum before. Here is the poll to vote for it:

From the request about announcements, it sounded like a notifications and private messages to me. Lets hear more about it.

If you see in my Portal photo attached above the announcement for that organization will appear on the left in there portal.

Great customization on the portal! Looks good

I see what you wanted to do. So, Is it accurate if I summarize the request like below?

As an admin, I would like to customize the announcements per managed organization and would like to schedule it for future and periodical showing.

Yes that’s correct

OK, here is the poll for this feature. Please vote it.


New Access Control and Tasks are there in v1.10 of osTicket. Any idea when they are coming in the service desk?

Hi @ymi,

We are not developing in parallel with OS ticket so please state what you see as interesting as feature request. I checked the task view and looks good but I couldn’t be sure about what you requested with Access Control.

Could you please give more info about it?

Best regards,

It has granular permission and alerts management. Here are a few features;

Permissions are split from groups into a new “Roles” feature. The roles allow for re-use of the permission sets.
Agent access is configured directly.
Agents can be added directly to the team, alerts for each team member are optional.

Hi @ymi

So, do you want to be able to grant access and roles to individual agents instead of groups?

Best regards,

Yes, that would be an improvement.

Sure, added to the roadmap.

Thank you!

Just curious if there are any future plans on developing a mobile app for clients to submit tickets. This is the only thing keeping me from using this as my primary ticketing system. I would love to be able to use the one product however my clients got spoiled with the mobile app for ticket submission.


This has been forwarded as a feature request as the option is not available at the moment.
Thank you for your feedback.

Is Comodo One using osTicket as the Service Desk or will you be building your own version? If you plan to continue using osTicket then version 1.91 is the current version with 1.10 as a release candidate. There are a lot of features in version 1.91 that are mentioned above and even more of them listed in version 1.10. So an update would be great unless you are planning a different route.

Also if Comodo One is planning to stick with osTicket there is a mobile app for osTicket but we need the direct URL link to where we can login into it aka but that isn’t working for me when I try to log in with my current Service Desk information. Also how does one go in and update their account with the correct first and last name for the default account?

Hello @brt_kraig

We have forwarded you request as a feature request. We have also taken note of your questions and we will provide an answer soon.

Thank you for your feedback.

Hello @brt_kraig ,

First and last name for the default account can be changed from the main C1 console under Management > Staff.