Service Desk Client API Documentation

Hello everyone,

We prepared a document for you to reach APIs on Service Desk. If you need to reach the APIs please see attached document.

If you have a comment or questions about the document please feel free to contribute!

Best regards

Client API Documentation.pdf (392 KB)

Hello @cagedata
We will reach out to the proper team to help clarify the details described in the linked source (and associated pages). We appreciate your patience on the matter.

Hello @cagedata
Description for related documents for “Usage of Access Token” is added on attached document.

We have also preparing a new API description space for these definition. Cross references of end points are being added on this space as well. But before that, I have also provided related URLs on attached PDF version.

As a “access token” retrial and renewal 3rd Party Authentication API will be used. Please see following the Definitions

If you have a comment or questions about usage please feel free to ask.

Best regards.

DEV-ClientAPIDocumentation-020318-1007-10.pdf (91.3 KB)

The links on the documents attached link to intranet pages that I cannot access:

Hi @cagedata
There is only one ‘intranet’ link in the PDF document which corresponds to the ‘Comodo ONE 3rd Party Company API Definition’ document. The three links that you specified above should be accessible to you as they are associated pages to the link you posted on post #2 above.

Hello @cagedata ,

The correction for the pages you cannot reach is done on I think this will help you now. If you have any missing points on that documantation please let us know.
